
Showing posts from January, 2020

Film Industry Index

1)  British Film Industry factsheets #132 & #100 2)  Chicken   case study research  3)  Regulation - BBFC research and tasks

BBFC film regulation

1) Research the  BBFC  in more detail: what is the institution responsible for? How is it funded? What link does it have to government? The BBFC is responsible for regulating films and categorising them into films that are appropriate for different ages. The focus is on helping children and families choose films that are appropriate and provide guidance for them to choose. It is funded by charged fee's as it is an independent body and it does not have a link to the government. 2) Read this  BBFC guide to how films are rated . Summarise the process in 50 words. A compliance officer watched the film and pays attention to aspects included in the film,and to experience the effects that the audience will feel when watching.If the compliance officers have any doubt about which category the film will fall into, then other members of the BBFC will watch the film. When rating a film they will look for sex/nudity, violence, bad language, and taste which makes it easier to categorise the

Film Industry: Chicken Case Study

Funding 1) What was the budget for  Chicken ? The film had a micro budget of £110,000. 2) How did Joe Stephenson end up raising the money to make the film? Stephenson raised the funds through investment by individuals like his rich friends and contacts. 3) How does the  Chicken  budget compare to a Hollywood-funded British blockbuster such as  Spectre  or P addington 2 ? Hollywood-funded blockbusters are very high budget films that include well known people in the cast and the crew. Chicken would seem like an amateur film and less professional compared to a Hollywood funded film. 4) Joe Stephenson tried to secure funding from organisations that help low-budget filmmakers. What is the  BFI Film Fund  and how does it contribute to the British film industry? The BFI is an organisation that uses National Lottery funds to develop and support British films and filmmakers  .The aim is to fund films that are bold and distinctive 5) Why do you think  Chicken  failed to sec

British Films

British Film 1) Write a one-sentence definition of what makes a film British. A British film can be defined by the location it is set it, if the director/producers are British, the cast , the culture and whether it is funded within Britain. 2) What is the difference between a Hollywood production context and production context of a British film? Hollywood production context means that most of the film is made in Hollywood  studios, they have h igh budgets and rely on celebrities in the cast and in the crew. Whereas, British film can have high/ low budgets,heavily rely on word of mouth and viral advertising and does not have as much clearly defined characters.They also reflect British culture in the film. 3) When did the James Bond franchise start? The first film of the James Bond franchise started in 1961 4) In terms of film censorship and graphic content, what began to change in British film in the 1970s and 1980s? The British film industry in the 1970s wa

Film and TV language index

1) Film poster analysis 2)  Mise-en-scene blog tasks 3)  Star persona: video feedback and learner response 4)  Lighting blog tasks 5)  Sound blog tasks 6)  Sound: parallel and contrapuntal video feedback and learner response 7)  Cinematography blog tasks 8)  Cinematography video task and learner response 9)  Editing video task and learner response 10)  Editing blog task - 750 word analysis