Radio: Life Hacks
BBC Radio 1 - Life Hacks: Blog tasks Analysis Read the notes and listen to the extracts from Life Hacks above before answering the following questions: 1) Go to the Life Hacks iPlayer page and analyse the content. What does this suggest regarding the Life Hacks audience and what the BBC is hoping to achieve with the programme? The Life Hacks content includes sex, relationships and mental health and are hosted by young hosts suggesting they're trying to attract younger audiences with topics they can relate to. 2) Go to the Life Hacks podcast episodes page . Listen to a few episodes of the podcast and explain how the topics may a) appeal to a youth audience and b) help fulfil the BBC's responsibilities as a public service broadcaster. The topics may appeal to younger audiences as the topics are about things they can relate to being a young adult and talks about taboo topics that people may need help and advice on such as mental health. This fulf...