Lighting blog task

1) Still image analysis

Look at the still images on slides 33-37 of the Film Language Powerpoint linked above. Copy the images into your blog and answer the following questions for each image:

  1. Identify examples of high and low-key lighting.
  2. Say which depict top, back or under lighting.
  3. What effects are created by the lighting in each image?     
In this image there is key-lighting and filler lighting used. I can tell there is key lighting because we can see the characters face clearly and as the key light is the brightest and most influential this emphasises the flames of smoke around the character and the filler lights on the sides emphasise the smoke from the sides and you can see that the characters arm and shoulder is bright and visible. The key light also emphasises the characters facial features such as the smokey eyes and bright red lip creating mystery and makes the character seem dangerous suggesting she is the femme- fatale. 

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\Annex%20-%20Dietrich,%20Marlene%20(Shanghai%20Express)_03.jpg     In this image there is top lighting used which accentuates the characters facial features in a glamorous way which is common in Hollywood. This lighting emphasises the characters makeup making her look attractive. The lack of under lighting creates darkness under the characters face heightening suspense and mystery and creates a sinister atmosphere. There is also some chiaroscuro because of the contrast of light and dark further creating mystery.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\macbeth_rgb.jpgIn this image there is back lighting used to create a silhouette of the characters figure making him look powerful and suggests he is royalty as the light is only focused on him and the background is blurred out making him seem powerful and herculean. This genre might be a fantasy/drama because of the crown and the fur the character is wearing seems medieval yet his facial expression seems stern and serious suggesting there is a dilemma which he needs to solve.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\Sin_City_005.jpg_cmyk.jpgIn this image there is top lighting used to accentuate the characters facial expression which is serious but you can only see half of his face creating suspense and a sinister atmosphere. There is also back lighting used to create an outline of the characters body which makes him seem quite scary and powerful. There is also some light on the gun and badge which communicates to the audience that he might be part of the FBI and that he needs to solve a case. The top lighting emphasises the rain which makes the atmosphere seem eerie.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\Psycho_1.jpg

There is low-key lighting used in this image which creates shadows around the character which creates an eerie atmosphere. The key light used accentuates the characters facial expression and you can see the she is frightened which engages the audience and makes them wonder what she is afraid of. The genre is horror as depicted by the characters facial expression and body language.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\18631_Bladerunner-4.jpgIn this images there is a combination of natural lighting from the blinds which creates horizontal shadows across the characters faces  as well as high key lighting. This suggests it is a neo-noir film due to the elicit sexual liaison. The lack of lighting on the female characters face makes her seem mysterious and suggests that she is the femme-fatale. This makes her seem dangerous yet alluring to the audience which makes them want to find out more about her relationship with this man and what she intends to do in the film .

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\clockwork1.jpg

In this image there is back lighting used to create silhouette of the characters but you cannot see there face or body and you can not identify who the characters are, this makes them seem ominous. The lighting creates really long shadows.This creates a sinister and eerie atmosphere and hints to the audience that these men are dangerous and violent. You can infer that they are violent due to the weapons they're holding and the shadow of the man tied up on the floor.
E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\chienandolou1_cmyk.jpg
In this image there is high key lighting which is influential in emphasising the characters facial expression which is obvious is fear and anxiousness. The lighting creates a shadow behind the character. This suggests that the character is a victim in the film and the genre is horror/thriller, which communicates to the audience that there is a sense of danger.

E:\My docs\My Pictures\Film Stills\Joanofarc1.jpgIn this image there is top lighting used which accentuates the characters facial features, this makes her seem quite vulnerable and exposed as you can see her clearly. It looks like the character is not wearing makeup and her body language adds tot he idea that she is innocent. The lack of under lighting creates chiaroscuro, a contrast of light and dark which suggests that there is more to the character than just innocence. This makes the audience wonder if she is the villain.

2) Film noir research 

Research film noir - focusing on the genre’s distinctive lighting style. Make notes on the genre and particularly the use of lighting - bullet points are fine. 

Film noir (dark film) is a style of film making which includes elements such as cynical heroes and sexual motivations. Film noir typically uses low-key lighting, as well as emphasising shadows and harsh lighting.

3) Film noir YouTube clip analysis 

Finally, find a YouTube clip that fits the film noir genre and embed it under your research (the clip can be classic noir from the 1950s or something more recent - neo-noir).

The lighting play an import role because it suggests the genre of the film and creates suspense and heightens tension .In this shot there was high key lighting used which clearly accentuates the characters facial features and expressions. There was also some back lighting to highlight the make characters body like a silhouette and makes him seem quite mysterious. When the characters walk through through the door The light is on them but there is not much light in the man hiding behind the door which creates tension and suspense as well as enigma codes as to why he is there and what he is about to do .


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